【STEP1 造成工事】
LOMBOK ACTIVITY PROJECTの第一段階としては、6月に敷地の造成工事を行いました。現地はビーチ沿いのため地中は砂地になっており、敷地内をより状態の良い環境にするためにしっかりと質の良い土を入れ込み、しっかりと締め固めております。
[STEP 1: Land development]
As the first step of the LOMBOK ACTIVITY PROJECT, land development work was carried out in June. The site is along the beach, so the ground is sandy, and in order to improve the condition of the site, we filled in high-quality soil and compacted it firmly.

【STEP2 柵工事】
[STEP 2 Fence Construction]
In July, we began constructing a fence around the site. This is the first step in the construction of a local market, which is one of the projects on the site. The local market stalls will be made out of bamboo, so we also constructed the fence out of bamboo to match the construction.

【STEP3 ゲート工事】
[STEP 3 Gate Construction]
Following the construction of the fence, we proceeded to the construction of the gate. This time, we adopted a design that is a symbol of the local Sasak people of Lombok, and we constructed it using the same bamboo material as the fence.

【STEP4 屋台工事】
[STEP 4: Construction of the stall]
We have been working on the construction of the stall for the local market since August. Although it is called a stall, it is not a simple one, but a bamboo-made stall with a structure that can be used for a long time.